November 20 – 24, 2019 @ A Private Retreat in Nevada City
The Serpent Path Retreats are immersive educational gatherings, centered around skill building and applied ritual practice. During these times of great upheaval and change, cultivating a relationship with The Mystery and our ability to navigate with clarity through the unknown is of utmost importance, and these retreats are focused around utilizing personal and collective ritual to support that work.
Every aspect of these timeless moments, from the settings in tranquil private retreats to the nutritiously decadent food is intentionally curated to contribute to the overall integration of the deep work we engage in order to step into our full empowerment so we may truly be of service while living a profoundly magical life.
The retreat includes 4 full days of programming plus an opening Sweat Lodge on Wednesday evening.
Lodging options for an additional fee are available on site.
Gourmet, whole foods catering included throughout except for a collective potluck for the Sweat Lodge on Wednesday.
Wednesday (11/20): 2PM – 9PM
Thursday (11/21): 7AM – 9PM
Friday (11/22): 7AM – 10PM
Saturday (11/23): 7AM – 12AM
Sunday (11/24): 9AM – Until initiations are complete
With breaks for meals