Oracle Arts Apprenticeship

Oracle Arts Apprenticeship Programs Years I-III

Begins March 19, 2025!

Year I

The Path of Jewel

This 11-month journey will introduce Apprentices to Oracle Arts as a Ritual and Offering Practice. We will explore the Hermetic Qabalistic Tree of Life as the blueprint for our yearly journey, as well as the format of our Ritual Technology.

We will learn about a wide variety of devotional and magical practices, such as: Astrology, Divination, Elemental Theory, Egyptian Cosmology, Hermetic Qabalah, Ritual Theater, Oracular Consciousness, and more!

Begins March 19, 2025!

Year II

The Path of the prism

For Graduates of the Year I, The Path of the Jewel:

This is a continuation in studies and techniques to develop one’s Oracular Consciousness, with a focus on clarifying one’s Divine Directive.

We will continue deepening in Divination with the Oracle Divination Board, Egyptian Rites, Ritual Stewardship, Temple Dance, Ritual Theater, and becoming a Guardian of the Oracle Fireplace.

Begins March 2025!

Year III

The Path of the luminous

This journey is devoted to supporting one in Stepping into Benevolent Leadership, Mentorship, Teaching the Oracular Traditions, & Becoming a Guide of the Oracle Temple.

Begins March 2025!