June 24-27, 2020
8 Directional Wheel Calling UponPurificationsMagic CircleLuminous Light

Ritual is the adjective form of rite. The difference is mostly the tradition of usage. … A rite is a formal ceremony. A ritual is a repeated set of steps as a prescribed method for performing a ceremony, religious or otherwise.

These rites have been received through divination with the Oracle Board. In the process of creating rituals, we are innovating the eternal.

Through the combination of words of power and physical movements we create an embodied pathway for our will to direct the creative forces of nature, altering our consciousness & bringing us deeper into alignment with The Beauty Way // Cosmic Law and Cosmic Order.

“Dion fortune – magic is the art of changing consciousness at will”

*Please note: The rites are being passed to you and you alone. Do not share without permission. *


EAST– Auset – Air- Sunrise – New Beginnings, new life

SE – Sehkmet – Erotic Flow – Balance – growth -creativity- pleasure

SOUTH – Serqet – Fire – Full expression, transformative quality, Zenith of the light that shines within / Will in alignment w the Will of the Divine

SW- Aner-En-Rekh – beginnings to harvest, transmutation, moving to completion

WEST– Nebt-Hebt – Water – Flow & Ease, inward, unseen

NW- Anpu – Letting Go, to give back as an offering for food for another Life

NORTH-Neith – into the Great Web of our Relations, Ancestors, the Secret Chiefs

NE-Tehuti- return of the light, the Mysteries of Life & Death, the power of our Word

ABOVE: Het-Hert/ Seshata

BELOW: Auser


ORACLE: Nefertiti, the Oracle


*Motions are to be done at the same time as you speak the incantations in Gold Bold Italics letters*

Invoke our higher self and align our will with the will of the divine, in service to beauty in the web of life.

I, __________, invoke infinite source-energy to align my highest self with the will of the divine. I ground making my life an offering, so I may be of benefit and service to the web of life.

  1. Start with hands in prayer at the heart.
  2. Draw hands up the central column of the body, through third-eye, I, __________,
  3. opening into a triangle above the head. Look up into space within the triangle. invoke infinite source-energy
  4. Envision the luminous light coming into your head as you open your hands into the Taurus crown, placing them alongside your temples, drawing down the infinite light into your crown. To align my highest self with the will of the divine
  5. Inhale wrists together at solar plexus. I ground myself so I may make of my life an offering,
  6. Wrap all 10 fingers around the sphere of luminous light drawing it to your heart. Radiate this light out in all directions with exhalation. So I may be be of great benefit and service
  7. Inhale and keep all 10 fingers touching, tip hands into downward facing triangle. Exhale triangle down to root being a conduit for infinite source energy into the physical plain. to the web of life.

*For added protection: Take extra time to breathe into the luminous light into your heart, knowing that which can harm cannot penetrate the light of your heart.


Cleanse mind, body, heart and spirit of anything that mis-directs our will away from the most harmonious alignment of our true-self.

To Open

Come to stand facing the East

Osiris Bow

*Motions are to be done at the same time as you speak the incantations in Gold Bold Italics letters*

Air – Doors of Perception

“Greetings and gratitude Breath of Life, Giver of Clarity, Maker of Peace. Purify me so I may be a clear vessel in service to cosmic law and cosmic truth.”

  1. Cover eyes with hands apply pressure from fingers to the forehead. Greetings and gratitude Breath of Life
  2. Maintaining pressure, draw fingers along forehead to temples. Giver of Clarity, Maker of Peace. Open hands while keeping pointers firm on temples.
  3. Purify me Draw fingers to back of head so pointer fingers cup base of skull.
  4. so I may be a clear vessel in service to cosmic law and cosmic truth. Keep drawing fingers up to middle back of head and swiftly pull the energy up in fists, opening your glands.
  5. Draw wrists in front of you to touch, palms open flat to the sky
  6. Brings hands out like the body of Shu and speak The doors of perception are now open.”
  7. Clap hands together in front of you, like needle of compass move to next direction

Fire – Guardian of the Eternal Flame

“Greetings and gratitude to you Holy Fire, Giver of light & warmth, Igniter of the divine spark. Transform me so I may be a vessel in service to cosmic law and cosmic truth”

  1. Connect to divine spark within your heart, draw it forward into your cupped hands Greetings and gratitude to you Holy Fire,
  2. Make circles with your finger tips moving clockwise 3x Giver of light & warmth,
  3. Open hands and see it before you Igniter of the divine spark.
  4. Bring the flame over your crown drawing the luminous light through the central column to the root as you anoint each energy center with the flame, with both hands Transform me so I may be a vessel in service to cosmic law and cosmic truth.
  5. Cupped hands come to prayer I am Guardian of the Eternal Flame
  6. Clap hands together in front of you, like needle of compass move to next direction

Water – Protector of the Holy Waters

“Greetings and gratitude to you Holy Mother, Giver of life, Purifier. Cleanse me so I may be a clear vessel in service to cosmic law and cosmic truth.”

  1. Create chalice with hands and reach arms up to holy water. Greetings and gratitude to you Holy Mother
  2. Fill up chalice (use breath & take time to feel chalice fill with infinite light from the primordial waters) Giver of life, Purifier
  3. Once you can feel the energy of the holy water spirit, tip chalice and pour water over your head. Use hands to draw water down the body. Cleanse me so I may be a clear vessel in service to cosmic law and cosmic truth
  4. Reach back into Holy waters (the body of Nut) with fire fingers (right hand) and draw crescent on third-eye. I am a protector of the Holy Waters.
  5. Clap hands together in front of you, like needle of compass move to next direction


If working with physical water. Reach Chalice up to the heavens and say “Greetings and gratitude to you Holy Mother, Water.” Dip -flower in water and offer water to the 4 directions.” Can do this to cleanse / make offers to the space.

Earth – Guardian of the Body of the Earth

“Greetings and gratitude to you Body of Earth, Giver of nourishment, stabilizer of creation. Strengthen me so I may be a pillar of cosmic law and cosmic truth.”

  1. Pull in the strength of the earth by twisting both fists to waist Greetings and gratitude to you Body of Earth
  2. Offer any unnecessary density to earth by pushing hands down and stomping (repeat four times, 2x / foot) *does it matter what foot is first* Giver of nourishment, stabilizer of creation
  3. Extend arms by your side and draw them in pushing the air between hands making yourself a djed Strengthen me so I may be a pillar of cosmic law and cosmic truth.
  4. I am the guardian of the body of earth
  5. Draw arms up using caduceus motion crossing the heart to open arms wide & clap hands together in front of you, like the needle of a compass.

Arms come to Osiris position

Moving in a sunwise direction ending back at the east

I purify myself for the benefit of all my relations, the web of life
Close with Osiris Bow facing the East


The Magic Circle is used to create a secure space to perform magical works. No one can see into this sphere, and you are safe to open your sphere to your multi-dimensional self.
  1. Imagine the Sigil of Venus before you, this is your magic circle.
  2. arms in Osiris ( L Hand under R). Step onto the center of the cross of venus (elemental platform) with R Foot then L Foot,
  3. Open arms into a T, creating your sphere / net of stars. To Call the elements into the Body.
  4. Make upward facing triangle with fingers at forehead (Fire)
  5. Make downward facing triangle with fingers at heart (Water)
  6. Make upward facing triangle with fingers at solar plexus (Air)
  7. Make downward facing triangle with fingers at root (Earth)
  8. Draw hands up to compass needle , energetic heart open,
  9. Open arms swiftly into a T & envision the luminous light of the heart as key opening the door to venus.
  10. Enter the sphere of venus with L Foot then R Foot, You are now inside the protective bubble of the net of stars.

To close Magic Circle:

  1. Come back to the place where you opened.
  2. Close the curtain via compass needle motion, step out with L
  3. Then R as you Osiris bow

*If you are doing a rite with others, do this privately, close it to go get whomever you are doing the Work with and then return and open it (you do not have to repreform the rite, simply bow into the space where you laid the platform).


Strengthen the field of the heart, which is the gateway to all higher realms and the path of truest alignment. Having a strong and luminous heart field innately implies protection, for the light transforms that which does not serve the good of all.

  1. Standing strong like a mountain within yourself, call in luminous light from the Celestial Sun. Drink in the sun becoming the mountain, & filling the heart so the light can radiate in all directions as an offering to the liberation of all beings human and non-human.
  2. Radiate this light for at least three breaths.

*Discrete ritual that can be performed on the fly, subtly, anywhere.